Friday 19 March 2021

Best Supporting Actor 2020: Results

5. Sacha Baron Cohen in The Trial of the Chicago Seven - Cohen delivers a good performance that actually plays on his type in portraying a man who uses irreverence as a kind of weapon.

Best Scene: Taking the stand.
4. Leslie Odom Jr. in One Night in Miami - Odom gives an effective and charismatic turn in portraying Sam Cooke's ease but also his more passionate convictions.

Best Scene: "Change's Gonna Come"
3. Daniel Kaluuya in Judas and the Black Messiah - Kaluuya gives a powerful and charismatic turn in his realization of Fred Hampton. This is even as while I don't feel the film makes the most of his performance, he makes more than the most of his material while it is there.

Best Scene: "I am a revolutionary"
2. LaKeith Stanfield in Judas and the Black Messiah - Stanfield I think actually has even the greater challenge, which is why he's my current 2021 best actor winner, where he needs to create a logic to his character, and make such a lowly man compelling. Stanfield manages to do with both ease. I have to say I so wish Judas was just a bit better, because Stanfield's and Kaluuya's turns are both set into delivering a masterpiece. Unfortunately the film isn't that, but they are both great.

Best Scene: Hot-wiring the car.
1. Paul Raci in Sound of Metal - Good predictions Robert, Psifonian (To the rest, you do get your request, but please specify if you got it correctly on your last prediction as trying to decipher all the flip flops, Doesn't help when Anonymous predictors change their votes for example, on Cohen's post made my head spin) Paul Raci delivers my favorite performance in this lineup, and the one of only two actually supporting ones in the grouping. A performance that is just so vivid, honest and quietly moving every second he is on screen. 

Best Scene: Confronting Ruben.


Robert MacFarlane said...

My request is Frank Langella in Dracula for 1979 Actor

Anonymous said...

Louis: I won under Anonymous2. Tried to differentiate from the other anonymouses.

And my request is Frank Langella in Starting Out In The Evening (2007 Lead)

Calvin Law said...

It would be nice if the Anonymouses could use accounts or at least names to avoid confusion.

Looking forward to Lead.

David Jones said...

I won as well Louis.

My first request shall be Mathieu Amalric in The Diving Bell And The Butterfly.

Stephen Patterson said...

I won a prediction Louis.

I'm going to decide soon enough on my request.

Aidan Pittman said...

I also won Louis, but I think I'll hold on to my request for a bit unless you'd rather have it now due to how all over the place the predictions were.

Matt Mustin said...

David Jones: Thank you for that request.

I believe I won too, in which case my request is Kyle MacLachlan in Blue Velvet, which is maybe the only time I'll request a performance I don't like myself.

Tim said...

i just, frankly, hate myself right now

Mitchell Murray said...

Louis: I also won my last prediction (Cohen's review) after changing it from the initial line up.

And just like I was mentioning, my request is Bruce Greenwood in "The Sweet Hereafter". Not only would it be the blog debut of a reliable character actor, it's simply a good supporting performance that adds to a great film.

Glenn said...

Calvin, I'm gonna take your advice because I can imagine how much of a pain it is for Louis to sort through.

So I'll go with my first name from now on which is Glenn.

I'm the anonymous who would ask Luke questions.

Mitchell Murray said...

Also, might I add that supporting actor has been very strong these past few years; 2018 aside and despite some perplexing cases of category fraud, almost every nominee since 2017 has been a 4.5 or higher. Hopefully it's a trend that continues down the line.

Luke Higham said...

Should've gonne with Stanfield. :(

Mitchell: I don't think we'll get another 2018 for both categories anytime soon.

Luke Higham said...

Oscar lineups, not overall.

Calvin Law said...

The only bad acting nomination this year was Close, which is a bummer. Otherwise everyone was good/great.

Mitchell Murray said...

Calvin: Regarding Close and her film, I believe my initial comparison to "Trophic Thunder" still holds water.

Tim said...

your thoughts on the credits sequence from Halloween?

Louis Morgan said...


One of the best mood setters of all time, yet so simply done, that is as the score creates so much dread in the simple image of a jack o lantern getting closer to the screen. Side note, the reviving pumpkin is easily the best part of the 2018 version.

Matt Mustin said...

Oh yeah and to clarify, it was my last prediction (Cohen's review) that I won for.

Calvin Law said...

Louis: can I have your thoughts on Lil Rel Howery's scene in Judas? I thought that was probably the highlight of Stanfield's performance for me, and the direction of it is impeccable too, especially the use of music with the reveal of the FBI badge.

Louis Morgan said...


I mean another terrific scene for Stanfield in terms of showing that crippling fear and paranoia in his work. This is a great scene, that again man I wish the film was a masterpiece because there are the seeds of one. This scene is one, where you get that sort of classic 70's conspiracy theory vibe with Howery's character, who is basically demonic in his mysterious presence.