Monday, 27 January 2025

Best Actor 2024

 And the Nominees Are:

Timothée Chalamet in A Complete Unknown 

Colman Domingo in Sing Sing

Adrien Brody in The Brutalist

Ralph Fiennes in Conclave

Sebastian Stan in The Apprentice


Tahmeed Chowdhury said...

1. Brody
2. Stan
3. Domingo
4. Fiennes
5. Chalamet

A said...

1. Brody
2. Stan
3. Domingo
4. Fiennes
5. Chalamet

Robert MacFarlane said...

1. Brody
2. Domingo
3. Stan
4. Fiennes
5. Chalamet

Tahmeed Chowdhury said...

The only thing I'm having difficulty on is predicting Domingo and Stan, I'm confident in the other three being ranked that way.

Matt Mustin said...

1. Brody
2. Stan
3. Domingo
4. Fiennes
5. Chalamet

Brody will be number 1 by some distance, Chalamet will definitely be fifth, I put Stan in 2nd because of how much you liked Strong and I'm flip-flopping on the other two.

Mitchell Murray said...

1) Brody
2) Domingo
3) Stan
4) Fiennes
5) Chalamet

Personally hope Stan is reviewed first so we can just move past that. But I just want to say this because I forgot to say it for Strong's review: I dislike Trump....I don't dislike everyone who voted for him. It would take too much time and energy to hate half the country, and I am not going to live that way.

Matt Mustin said...

Mitchell: Yeah, let's leave it there, I think.

Mitchell Murray said...

Matt: Sounds good.

Anonymous said...

1. Brody
2. Domingo
3. Stan
4. Fiennes
5. Chalamet

Razor said...

1. Brody
2. Stan
3. Domingo
4. Fiennes
5. Chalamet

Shaggy Rogers said...

1. Brody
2. Stan
3. Domingo
4. Fiennes
5. Chalamet

Calvin Law said...

1. Brody
2. Domingo
3. Stan
4. Fiennes
5. Chalamet

Actually a pretty good lineup, though I wish Craig had made it in (though Stan is great). Domingo would be my personal choice easily, but I do seem to love the film more than anyone else on here.

Lucas Saavedra said...

1. Brody
2. Domingo
3. Stan
4. Fiennes
5. Chalamet

Michael McCarthy said...

1. Adrien Brody
2. Colman Domingo
3. Sebastian Stan
4. Ralph Fiennes
5. Timothée Chalamet

Emi Grant said...

1. Brody
2. Domingo
3. Stan
4. Fiennes
5. Chalamet

Luke Higham said...

Louis: Your makeup nominees.

Luke Higham said...

Louis: Ratings and thoughts on the cast of The Girl With The Needle and what is your category placement for Dyrholm.

Anonymous said...

Louis: Thoughts on the production design of The Substance and Maria.

John Smith said...

1. Brody
2. Stan
3. Fiennes
4. Domingo
5. Chalamet

Robert MacFarlane said...

Brody is almost 100% gonna take the year, though I hope Stan's other performance and Murphy get long write-ups when we get to bonus rounds.

Calvin Law said...

Luke: Dyrholm is 100% supporting.

Ytrewq Wertyq said...

1. Brody
2. Stan
3. Domingo
4. Fiennes
5. Chalamet

RujK said...

1. Brody
2. Stan
3. Fiennes
4. Domingo
5. Chalamet

Jonathan Williams said...

1. Brody
2. Stan
3. Domingo
4. Fiennes
5. Chalamet

Luke Higham said...

1. Brody
2. Stan (The majority think he gave the best performance in the film)
3. Domingo (I have a feeling Maclin's gonna be his MVP)
4. Fiennes
5. Chalamet

Luke Higham said...

My rating predictions
Brody - 5
Stan - 4.5/5
Domingo - 4.5
Fiennes - 4.5
Chalamet - 3.5/4

Luke Higham said...

Louis: I hope you'll make mention of Fiennes first nomination in 28 years in his review.

Maciej said...


RatedRStar said...

1) Brody
2) Stan
3) Domingo
4) Fiennes
5) Chalamet

Tim said...

1) Brody
2) Stan
3) Fiennes
4) Domingo
5) Chalamet


5º Timothée Chalamet
4º Colman Domingo
3º Ralph Fienes
2º Sebastian Stan
1º Adrien Brody

Luke Higham said...

Louis: For each of the five reviews, can I have your top tens in this order.
Adapted Screenplay
Original Screenplay

Harris Marlowe said...

1. Brody
2. Domingo
3. Stan
4. Fiennes
5. Chalamet

Perfectionist said...

1. Brody
2. Domingo
3. Stan
4. Fiennes
5. Chalamet

Tony Kim said...

1. Brody
2. Stan
3. Domingo
4. Fiennes
5. Chalamet

Louis Morgan said...


Makeup & Hairstyling Nominees:

Beetlejuice Beetlejuice
A Different Man
Dune Part II
The Substance

Sonne - 4.5(Her performance consistently provides a basic reality to the film even when it becomes misery upon misery she makes the misery at least very tangible without resorting to any over the top martyrdom portrayals. She balances moments of intense visceral pain with moments of just bringing a sense of the quiet exasperation. Having the moments where she silently shows the sense of looking for her options on some way out, that is mixed with desperation but there is also a quality of ingenuity in certain moments that enlivens the very dark story just slightly. She always brings a variety and nuance to each situation so while the moments are slightly repetitive in one bad thing after another, she never feels like she is going through the motions always finding a different state. And as much as the film doesn't quite capitalize on it, she quiet wonderful in the one scene with her husband in providing one of the few bits of genuine warmth through the film.)

Dyrholm - 5(A performance that manages to be demonic actually in the straightforwardness of her performance. She doesn’t really hide herself as one thing or another, but rather presents initially this seemingly practicality about her character. Delivering even in her helping scene just a bluntness as though she is giving off wisdom more than anything. She details her character quite potently once we focus in on her in granting this particularly incisive way that she goes about scenes with a certain quiet stare and again direct manner about herself. When we finally get to the horrifying turn, she doesn’t suddenly become overtly psychopathic, rather it is the same straightforward bluntness that she carries through to her horrific actions that are so terrifying because she is so direct with them. Even when she’s caught, it is nearly comedic with a kind of “whoops” more than anything else, as she presents a sinister nature as just the innate state of being for her. She makes a remarkable impact in every moment of her screen time by making her character chilling in her convincing qualities particularly the forcing the murder scene, where she is spine tingling by going through the whole thing as though it is just some common task for her that is in fact murder she forces on another.)

Lucas Saavedra said...
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