Wednesday 11 November 2015

Alternate Best Supporting Actor 1995: Patrick McGoohan, Angus Macfayden, and David O'Hara in Braveheart

Patrick McGoohan did not receive an Oscar nomination for portraying King Edward "Longshanks" in Braveheart.

Patrick McGoohan's character and performance is on the opposite end of Mel Gibson's work as the Scottish hero William Wallace. Where Wallace is the romantic hero, fighting for love lost, and proper freedom, King Edward known as Longshanks in turn is a proper villain for such a man. This right down to directly wanting to undermine Wallace's desires as he wants to rule Scotland along with England as well as his first act in the film is to grant Prima Nocta to his nobles, giving them sexual rights to Scottish brides before their husbands. Now with that it must be said that Longshanks is not going to be the most subtly drawn character in the film, in fact if you don't know he's the villain by the first time you see him the film ensure that by making his first act, off screen, being the hangings of a large group of men and boys. This can be clearly seen within McGoohan's performance as well, who discards his usual very refined and deeper voice for something a bit more high pitched and thin suggesting a certain madness just in the sound itself, and instead of being dignified in his usual way there always seems to be just something a bit off in Longshanks is demeanor due to McGoohan's performance.

Now with that said this might very well be a love it or hate it performance as McGoohan throws caution to the wind going all out in depicting Longshanks as the villain, I would argue, the film needs, for the style it takes in delivering the epic story of William Wallace. It must not be a villain who just kinda seems like a guy whose not very nice, no he has to be the tyrant that becomes a personification of the evils of the English from the story. The funny thing is I always have known McGoohan best for his depiction of the Scarecrow/Dr. Syn in the Scarecrow of Romney Marsh(where he would probably make my actor line up that year if I could ever find the original film cut of it) where he played a masked hero fighting against a King of England. This time though he is the King, and an evil one at that, perhaps trying to be the most evil one, though in characters from films in 1995 itself he has some stiff competition from Richard III. Like Ian McKellen's work in that film, McGoohan embraces the evil to its fullest extent throwing himself into making Edward the foe worthy of our hero William Wallace. McGoohan goes about realizing the same sort of grandeur in his performance that is above the vile nature of mere mortals, this is an evil King after all, he has to take it to another level.

McGoohan oozes a palatable menace in his role as his eyes seem to suggest that Longshanks is merely holding back an even more deranged individual behind his regal composure. Even a glance from him seem to be a curse from him as there is nothing but a hateful disregard in him for all things other than himself. McGoohan is curiously unstable while being stable in his role. He keeps Longshanks for the majority of the film as a very sturdy and extremely imposing figure as his presence lords over any scene in which he appears. Within that though there is a unpredictable sort of intensity that perpetuates in any given scene as though the only thing that tempers Longshanks psychopathy is the his position as King, though improves his ability to harm others, because there rarely are moments where Longshanks is comfortable within himself. Even when he tells his original plan to breed out the Scots, and all his advisers agree, McGoohan produces such a venom as Longshanks bites back at their sycophantic behavior. McGoohan does not play Longshanks as a man who simply hates the Scots, or hates people who oppose his power. No, instead McGoohan portrays him as a man who hates everyone, and is most comfortable in the act of brutally killing his foes.

I rather love McGoohan's take of embracing the evil of Longshanks. I particularly enjoy the way he produces that nagging cough of Longshanks that grows throughout the film, that McGoohan makes a very unpleasant wheeze fitting for more of a monster than a man. Now it is far to argue that it is not exactly the most subtle approach, but there's times for subtlety as well as times to go for something a little bigger. McGoohan does this with his performance. Now that is not even to say there is not a certain complexity that McGoohan brings to the part. His character really has one true purpose, but I don't think it is still quite as thin as all that. McGoohan never makes it as though Longshanks is just of one mind, though his unsaid though most likely psychopathy is the motivating factor for the character that McGoohan establishes. In his scenes with his son, the weak willed Edward II, McGoohan depicts an accepted fear in Longshanks as he knows his son will not be able to keep his power, and there is a desperation that McGoohan depicts as Longshanks attempts to get his son to be the King he wants him to be. McGoohan does find variation within the evil King, and his successes in the film feel earned as McGoohan realizes so well the cunning of a King. He's excellent in the only scene where Longshanks is in battle, and McGoohan shows a man who is the absolute champion of the battlefield without raising an arm as he's already defeated Wallace before the battle began. McGoohan makes Longshanks the perfect villain for the film making his final scene so satisfying as McGoohan reveals almost the wretched insides of the man, as he is falling into a despair, while it appears all that he built in his time will splinter in his death.
Angus Macfadyen did not receive an Oscar nomination for portraying Robert the Bruce in Braveheart.

Now if one desires a more modestly drawn work look no further than Angus Macfadyen who plays a prominent Scottish noble who is the strongest contender to become King of Scotland. The story of Robert in the film is the most complicated journey for a character in the film, as Wallace is bent directly on one task freedom, Robert due to his position is forced to deal with the politics of Scotland more delicately. Macfadyen plays Robert with the appropriate charisma in his early scenes not as a clear hero like Wallace, but rather a more refined individual who probably is more suited for a long term leadership than a firebrand like Wallace. To complicate things even more for Robert is that he must deal with his perhaps even more ambitious father (Ian Bannen), who is suffering from leprosy and wants to see his son crowned King of Scotland. Macfadyen is very good in his scenes with Bannen as he portrays Robert's understanding, and willingness to heed his father's more compromising advice in a fashion that does not paint Robert as a fool, Macfadyen, and Bannen in the scenes realizes the two well as men who are thinking in a more complex fashion than most of the players in Scotland, and England, as the two show the men measuring every step of every other man in order to know exactly when and how to make their move.

Macfadyen though presents Robert as a man who makes his moves carefully, he importantly does also establish early on that he is more than just one of the other power or land hungry lords that we see in the rest of the film. In an early scene where Robert describes Wallace's efforts Macfadyen reveals a palatable desire to break out in a similair way to Wallace, and to join Wallace's cause. Of course his father's advice wins out, but Macfadyen keeps this as a understated factor in Robert as he conveys the similair sentiments that motivate Wallace though just no in not such an extroverted fashion. MacFadyen is excellent in the first scene where Robert and Wallace directly interact as Robert attempts to convince Wallace to compromise while Wallace tries to convince Robert not to. What's so strong about Macfadyen's performance is again he does not leave Robert just as this weaker soul who needs to be schooled by Wallace. Macfadyen does not allow this with his portrayal of Robert as he brings an genuine passion and manages to be quite persuasive in his attempts to make Wallace basically understand the more finer details when it comes to the control of power in a country. This makes it all the more earned in MacFadyen subdued though incredibly effective reaction as Wallace urges Robert to be the man he could be.

Of course other matters seem to dictate a different course as he takes his father's course instead and backs Longshanks during a battle with Wallace going so far as to even ride with Longshanks himself. Macfadyen realizes so well the heartbreak and guilt in Robert when Wallace confronts him directly, as Macfadyen does not just show him to be a mad saddened by the defeat of a man he admired, the death he allowed, but the most pain seems to come from the shame that he was not able to be the man Wallace believed he could be. Macfayden creates the intensity of Robert's despair powerfully by again having this undercurrent of that passion Robert desperately wants to embrace, though forces himself to deny due to continuing to follow his father's advice for compromise. Macfadyen never simplifies the conflict in Robert making his personal arc come to life which is pivotal to the film. Robert ends up being the insurance of the film in a way since Wallace's own story ends in rather tragic circumstances, which leaves only Robert left to fight for the freedom Wallace desired as well as the only person who can make the film an inspiring instead of depressing note.

This is all left to the final scene of the film which begins with Robert accepting his position as King, though with the stipulation that he will still bow down to English. Macfayden is outstanding in this scene in almost a completely silent moment as he effectively portraying Robert going over the decision in his mind, and seeming as he will possibly once again compromise. Then there is that moment of the choice that is so beautifully rendered as he has Robert finally become the man Wallace believed he could be. Macfadyen reveals the full fiery passion, that was always there, in Robert in his speech to the Scottish army. It is only nine words long but I actually find it to be the most rousing of all the speeches in the film, amplified so well by Macfadyden's eyes and voice as you can see that same spirit that fueled Wallace as Robert speaks the words "You have bled with Wallace. Now bleed with me.". Macfadyen is gives a great performance by creating such a poignant portrait, not of the romantic hero like Wallace who already has the will attempt to lead the people to freedom to begin with, but rather of a man who must gain the strength to become the hero who can accomplish Wallace's dream.
David O'Hara did not receive an Oscar nomination for portraying Stephen of Ireland in Braveheart.

Now let's go away from Kings to a soldier on a ground brought to life a character of a character actor David O'Hara, who can steal a scene so well that he stole a whole character away from an actor in about 10 minutes that another actor had eight different films to play. O'Hara here plays a late addition to Wallace's army after Wallace has made a name for himself through his various successful attacks against the English armies in Scotland. While once again David O'Hara puts character in character acting in his first appearance as he and another man arrive to join Wallace's campaign. Stephen though acts a bit differently than the other man who is just another Scot eager for freedom it seems. No Stephen hails from Ireland and inquires if joining Wallace will mean he can kill English. Stephen though seems to be at least a little off his rocker, though perhaps only in the way of a proper warrior poet. After all Stephen often engages in conversations with the almighty, considering God to be his only equal, does not mind referring to all of Ireland simply as his island, and one of his earliest acts is to threaten one of Wallace's men when they attempt question his sanity. Now such a character could easily becoming a bit too much and very could have a been a risk in the film, that risk was instantly squashed though through the casting of O'Hara.

O'Hara is so wonderfully demented in the role and manages to so well make Stephen form of insanity something quite endearing to behold. O'Hara brings so much just in those eyes of his which seem as sharp and piercing as the knife he most commonly brandishes, this goes along with a such a bright and wide smile only fitting for a man who converses with the creator, and just a laugh that is so well delivered by O'Hara as a glorious cackle only fitting for a true mad man. O'Hara, unlike the other two performances I have highlighted, does not really have any scenes to himself, he's rarely not in the presence of Wallace with usually something more important going one around him. What O'Hara instead has at his disposal are a series of moments strewn throughout the film. Whenever the film decides to cut to Stephen O'Hara never wastes a gesture or breath in offering whatever Stephen decides to add to the situation. Stephen always off a bit of off-kilter commentary in his brief moments that always stand out well thanks to O'Hara marvelous work, I've always particularly loved his little aside to Wallace when they're hunkered down due to arrows.

Any sequence in which Stephen appears gets an extra bit of color thanks to O'Hara who makes Stephen a constant source of entertainment. Now although O'Hara is a lot of fun in the role, but that is not all there is to his work. As Wallace's campaigns become less successful and as Edward begins to gain the upper hand O'Hara adjusts his performance appropriately, as Stephen becomes one of the few allies to Wallace to neither die or betray him. O'Hara matches the changing and darker tone of the film perfectly, without ever seeming out of place. In fact O'Hara ends up being quite moving in just offering very sympathetic and wholly genuine reactions to the worst moments particularly Wallace's torture. Now technically Stephen could be erased from the film and the film would go on, though as a whole it would be less. O'Hara's performance here is an example of just what a talented character actor can do.In just a bit of time sprinkled throughout the film O'Hara makes his impact, delivering in creating a memorable character out of a minor role that makes Braveheart a better film by his mere presence.


Psifonian said...

"Beg pardon, sire -- but won't we hit our own troops?"
"Yes... but we'll hit theirs as well. We have reserves. Attack."

So smooth. He was an even better Tywin Lannister than Charles Dance.

Anonymous said...

Louis: I agree with MacFayden and McGoohan's ratings.
Who would be your cast and director for:
The Fugitive (1930's version)
The Usual Suspects (1940's American version)
A History of Violence (1940's American version and 1950's version)

Louis Morgan said...


Perhaps it would be wrong to constrain him with the overall vision of the show, but how would you feel about Gibson directing some episodes of Game of Thrones (preferably one with a battle)?


The Fugitive (1930's directed by Alfred Hitchcock):

Dr. Kimble: Clark Gable
Marshal Gerard: Walter Huston
Sykes: John Carradine
Dr. Nichols: Edward Arnold

The Usual Suspects (1940's American version):

McManus: Kirk Douglas
Keaton: George Sanders
Fenster: Anthony Quinn
Hockney: Burt Lancaster
Verbal Kint: Van Heflin
Agent Kugan: Robert Ryan
Mr. Kobayashi: Vincent Price
Rabin: Lee J. Cobb
Redfoot: James Whitmore

A History of Violence:

40's directed by Fred Zinnemann:

Tom Stall: Henry Fonda
Edie Stall: Joan Fontaine
Carl Fogarty: Humphrey Bogart
Richie Cusack: Fredric March
Jack Stall: Anthony Perkins
Leland Jones: Harry Morgan
Billy Orser: Tony Curtis

50's directed by Robert Wise:

Tom Stall: William Holden
Edie Stall: Eleanor Parker
Carl Fogarty: Lee Marvin
Richie Cusack: Robert Ryan
Jack Stall: Dean Stockwell
Leland Jones: Jack Palance
Billy Orser: Dennis Hopper

Robert MacFarlane said...

I don't know, I always found a sort of figurative eye-rolling quality to McGoohan's work, like he was embarrassed by the material. Still, A+ for gravitas. Plus he did his best to underplay a cartoonishly evil character.

That said, I actually do agree about MacFadyen. He brought more dignity to the proceedings than anyone else in the cast for me.

Psifonian said...

I would only bring in Gibson if he could direct the entire series. Auteurs with clear visual and aesthetic quirks work best when they have the whole show to play around with (i.e. Soderbergh and "The Knick"). That said, a Gibson-directed GoT would be amazing. He could even bring in some of his "Braveheart" alumni to fill roles (David O'Hara as Euron Greyjoy, Brendan Gleeson as Randyll Tarly, Angus Macfadyen as... someone else).

Luke Higham said...

Youth Ratings
Caine - 3.5
Keitel - 3.5
Dano - 3.5
Weisz - 3
Fonda - 2.5

Anonymous said...

Luke: What do you think of the film? Didn't you like it?

Anonymous said...

Luke: *did

Luke Higham said...

Anonymous: It was OK.

I must say that I'm not in the best of moods lately. I've had unexplained weight loss and fear that I might have Diabetes, but I'm trying to remain in good spirits.

Anonymous said...

Luke: I don't think it's that bad, and don't expect to have diabetes, okay? :)

Luke Higham said...

Anonymous: Thanks. :)

Anonymous said...

Luke: I'm also somewhat in an okay mood with school marks. But whatever, they're just the first tests, so I can do better, right? :)

Luke Higham said...

Anonymous: :)

Anonymous said...

Luke: Well, metalman091 praises DDL, Oldman and Branagh for having done very well in cinema. By the way, he also thinks Ralph Bellamy matches Olivier as well. Can't remember any five-star performance of Bellamy's.

Luke Higham said...

Anonymous: Me neither. :)

Anonymous said...

Luke: He also says that even in bad movies, Lugosi, Perkins and Niven gave their all unlike Brando (which is true), Sinatra and Mitchum (He may have not think much of acting as nothing more than just a job, but I've always thought that never stopped him from giving a good performances).

Anonymous said...

Luke: I'll just say that aside from Dracula and his collaborations with Karloff, Lugosi was limited due to his accent. Perkins, aside from Psycho and Friendly Persuasion, didn't make that much of an impact on me on other performances. Niven, to me, wasn't that much of an actor.

Luke Higham said...

Anonymous: Have you seen anything new recently.

Anonymous said...

Luke: Nope.

Anonymous said...

Luke: Elizabeth Hartman's story is indeed a sad one.

ruthiehenshallfan99 said...

Where can I find this metalman091. I know he is on imdb, but can I have a link to one of his rants?

Anonymous said...

ruthiehenshallfan99: He's mostly on Judy Garland's message boards (I already told you that).

Anonymous said...

ruthiehenshallfan99: You can find one of his rants, if you even call that a rant.

ruthiehenshallfan99 said...

Anonymous: Just looking at all of his board messages from his profile page, he is on imdb 24/7.

Anonymous said...

ruthiehenshallfan99: Well, I already knew that. :)
Luke: I don't know if you feel the same way I do about Lugosi, Perkins and Niven as actors.

Luke Higham said...

Anonymous: I agree on Lugosi & Perkins, though I don't really mind Niven.

Anonymous said...

Luke: Well, I came up with another dream group: Wiseau/Franciosa/Zane/Penn/Muni

Luke Higham said...

Anonymous: :)

Anonymous said...

Luke: So, do you think Werner could restrain Penn?

Anonymous said...

Luke: *Herzog could restrain Penn and make him give a subtle performance? I'd say yes.

Luke Higham said...

Anonymous: Maybe.

Anonymous said...

Luke: Directors love Penn so much as an actor that I simply can't see them put him on a leash.

Anonymous said...

Luke: *restrain him, that's what I meant.

Anonymous said...

Luke:...(with the exception of Dead Man Walking and Thin Red Line, where he was restricted)

Anonymous said...

Luke: *restrained by the directors

Anonymous said...

Louis: What are your full thoughts on Inherit the Wind and Duel in the Sun as movies and respective ratings for both of them?

Matt Mustin said...

Louis, what's your ratings and thoughts for Harrsison Ford in Patriot Games and Clear and Present Danger?

Anonymous said...

Matt: I would presume Ford's a 3,5 for Patriot Games and a 3 for Clear and

Anonymous said...

*Clear and Present Danger

RatedRStar said...

After a very long time I have finished my bonus rounds spreadsheet containing 5 nominees for every single year 29 onwards, going back to alternates it looks like 1928 will be next I definitely think there are 5 nominees so it doesnt need to be a quick set of reviews.

Luke Higham said...

RatedRStar: Your Lineups for 2010, 2013 and 2014.

Anonymous said...

Luke: So, do you feel better today?

Luke Higham said...

Anonymous: I'm calming myself down and will be getting an eye test next Friday. For the next month or two at least, I'll be going to bed at about 9-11 PM. I've had many nights in the past year, where I've stayed up until 4 or 5 in the morning.

Anonymous said...

Luke: So far, Rylance continues to be the favorite to win Supporting.

Luke Higham said...

Anonymous: I'm very pleased about that. :)

My Current Supporting Overall Top 5 prediction.
1. Hardy
2. Rylance
3. Jenkins
4. Del Toro
5. Elba

Robert MacFarlane said...

I think Hoult has a better chance at top 5 than you'd believe.

RatedRStar said...

Luke: Whats up?

Luke Higham said...

Robert: Can you see him getting a 5, because I'm somewhat hopeful at the moment.

Luke Higham said...

RatedRStar: I've had a bit of a health scare and am trying not to feel anxious about it.

RatedRStar said...

Luke: Ahh ok big hugsss =D

Ill do just best actor for now cause I might need to see some of the supporting ones, also the best actor list may change if I have forgotten people.

Jim Broadbent - Another Year
Ryan Reynolds - Buried
Michael Douglas - Solitary Man
Riz Ahmed - Four Lions
Nicholas Tse - The Stool Pigeon

Nick Cheung - Unbeatable
Lee Kang Sheng - Stray Dogs
Miles Teller - The Spectacular Now
Ethan Hawke - Before Midnight
Xavier Dolan - Tom At The Farm

Tom Hiddleston - Only Lovers Left Alive
Dan Stevens - The Guest
Christophe Paou - Stranger By The Lake
Jesse Eisenberg - Night Moves
Huang Bo - Dearest

Luke Higham said...

RatedRStar: :)

I'd replace Douglas with Mikkelsen in Valhalla Rising. It's initial theatrical release date was 10/03/10 in France.

Anonymous said...

Luke: We all know that Louis doesn't like some well-loved performances, but what about hated performances he likes? Can you think of one? I will say Jean Harlow in The Public Enemy. Most people dislike her performance, yet Louis likes it.

Luke Higham said...

RatedRStar: I haven't seen Solitary Man by the way, so I don't know whether he's really good or not.

Luke Higham said...

Anonymous: I'm not particularly sure if everyone hates this performance, but I'll go with Sharlto Copley in Elysium.

RatedRStar said...

Luke: I was gonna put Mads in but I originally thought it was 2009, but I may put him in now, although these lists are not final, its just to get started for when Louis starts the rounds, and I have not put any crossovers like a 54/55, all of mine are its own standalone years.

Louis: I am certain that every single year minus the 20s has 5 nominees that have the potential to be hidden gems so thats why I haven't put any crossovers for Best Actor.

Robert MacFarlane said...

@Anonymous: A lot of people (myself included) find Stephen Lang's work in Gods and Generals pretty weak. Plus Michael Douglas has some pretty vocal detractors for Falling Down.

Michael McCarthy said...

I've seen and loved Elba, Rylance, Del Toro and Jenkins, and Hoult is still my win. I'm reeeally rooting for a 5 from him, I could go on and on about what was great about that performance, and Louis upgrading Theron to a 5 makes me optimistic about it.

Calvin Law said...

Hoult's performance was also the one I felt grew most on me on re-watch. I have a feeling though that Rylance will take the overall. My guess would be:

1. Rylance
2. Hardy
3. Del Toro
4. Elba
5. Hoult/Jenkins

RatedRStar: Really like your 2014 choices :)

Luke Higham said...

Louis: Have you seen any new films recently and are there any changes to your Female Lead/Supporting Top 5s.

Luke Higham said...

*For 1995.

Luke Higham said...

Everyone: My blood levels are normal.

Anonymous said...

Luke: Well, thank goodness that you're fine. :)

Luke Higham said...

Louis: Whenever you cover 2014 again, will you be watching 300: Rise Of An Empire, for Eva Green's performance.

Luke Higham said...

Anonymous: :) I'm relieved, though it doesn't mean I'll be reverting to my normal sleeping habit.

Luke Higham said...

*Usual sleeping habit.

Anonymous said...

Luke: Fun fact: The favorite actress of Cotillard, Davis, Hitler and Crawford was Garbo.

Luke Higham said...

Anonymous: Hitler, WTF. :)

Luke Higham said...

Anonymous: Don't you mean Hiller. :)

Anonymous said...

Luke: No, it is indeed true. Hitler loved Garbo and Dietrich.

Luke Higham said...

Anonymous: I was caught off guard on that one.

Luke Higham said...

Anonymous: Which director put another director in a headlock.

Anonymous said...

Luke: O'Russell.

Anonymous said...

Luke: Pacino, Chastain, Blanchett and Watts are also big admirers of Garbo.

Luke Higham said...

Anonymous: Who are Fassbender and Hardy's biggest admirers.

I know that Hardy has deep respect for Fassbender, as well as his acting idol, Gary Oldman.

Anonymous said...

Luke: Oh, I don't know who are the biggest admirers of Fassbender and Hardy.

Luke Higham said...

Anonymous: I wanted to know from you, if you did know. All I know is that Hardy is probably Fassbender's biggest admirer, though he's admired by a lot of his co-stars from past films.

Anonymous said...

Luke: Oh, I see. Who disliked Meryl Streep as an actress?

Luke Higham said...

Anonymous: Katharine Hepburn.

Anonymous said...

Luke: Kael also did, but I'm sure you already knew that.

Luke Higham said...

Anonymous: Yep.

Anonymous said...

Luke: Who said this quote? Meryl is love, Meryl is life.

Anonymous said...

Luke: It was the Academy, of course.

Luke Higham said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Luke Higham said...

Anonymous: I was gonna say De Niro.

Luke Higham said...

Anonymous: Or Nicholson.

Anonymous said...

Luke: Oh, but this quote doesn't really exist, you know. I was talking about on how the Academy loves Streep so much.

Luke Higham said...

Anonymous: I'll be in Heaven if Streep doesn't get a nomination this year, which seems very likely.

Anonymous said...

Luke: *It was just a small joke on how the Academy loves Streep so much.

Anonymous said...

Luke: Who was the Daniel Day-Lewis of the 1930's?

Luke Higham said...

Anonymous: I know. :)

Luke Higham said...

Anonymous: Charles Laughton.

Anonymous said...

Luke: Actually it was Muni, because of his difficulty to work with and dedication to his roles. But Laughton also immersed himself for Rembrandt, I think.

Luke Higham said...

Anonymous: Goodnight. :)

Anonymous said...

Luke: Goodnight. :)

Anonymous said...

Louis: Just one final question Cast and director for:
The Usual Suspects/History of Violence (60's, 70's and 80's versions)

Anonymous said...


Robert MacFarlane said...

Louis, what is your rating and thoughts on Bronson in The Indian Runner?

Anonymous said...

Robert: Bronson is a 4.

ruthiehenshallfan99 said...

Anonymous: Funny about Dietrich, she was absolutely disgusted to hear that Hitler liked her. Also, one of his favorite movies was Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs.

Anonymous said...

When is the next review up?

Louis Morgan said...


Inherit the Wind - 2(The problem lies in the source material which relies on straw men and a lot of speechifying that actually simplifies the historical events in a ham fisted fashion. Stanley Kramer is not a man to look for too much subtly if it's not already there so his only amplifies things for the worse.)

Duel in The Sun - 1.5(Bombastic yet boring. It seems as though it wants to be scandalous yet everything about it feels so humdrum that it never comes to life, although that is not helped by the cast that is problematic in more ways than one. Nothing feels developed well particularly not the relationship between the two brothers which holds no weight whatsoever. The worst part is that while being such a mess it also is just very boring.)


In both films it's 90's Ford, which means he's not going to be as engaging as he was in the 80's, but he's still trying enough to be quite the reliable action lead. I'd say I prefer him in Patriot Games slightly in that he's given just a bit more of a emotional arc to deal with as I recall anyways as it has been some time since I've watched either film.


I think Garbo might have offered to assassinate Hitler.


The Man From Uncle
The Stanford Prison Experiment

No changes, and perhaps to your other question.


The Usual Suspects:

60's directed by Sidney Lumet:

McManus: James Coburn
Keaton: Dirk Bogarde
Fenster: Telly Savalas
Hockney: Don Rickles
Verbal Kint: Tom Courtenay
Agent Kugan: Walter Matthau
Mr. Kobayashi: James Mason
Rabin: Frank Overton
Redfoot: Lee Van Cleef

70's directed by Alan J. Pakula:

McManus: Roy Scheider
Keaton: Terence Stamp
Fenster: David Carradine
Hockney: Harry Dean Stanton
Verbal Kint: Donald Sutherland
Agent Kugan: Ned Beatty
Mr. Kobayashi: Max von Sydow
Rabin: M. Emmet Walsh
Redfoot: Gary Busey

80's directed by Michael Mann:

McManus: Tom Berenger
Keaton: Jeremy Irons
Fenster: Raul Julia
Hockney: Jeff Goldblum
Verbal Kint: James Woods
Agent Kugan: Harvey Keitel
Mr. Kobayashi: Philip Baker Hall
Rabin: Dennis Farina
Redfoot: Ray Liotta

A History of Violence:

60's directed by Arthur Penn:

Tom Stall: Steve McQueen
Edie Stall: Natalie Wood
Carl Fogarty: Ernest Borgnine
Richie Cusack: Paul Newman
Jack Stall: Kurt Russell
Leland Jones: Robert Duvall
Billy Orser: Dennis Hopper

70's directed by Don Siegel:

Tom Stall: Clint Eastwood
Edie Stall: Elizabeth Hartman
Carl Fogarty: John Vernon
Richie Cusack: Robert Mitchum
Jack Stall: Jackie Earle Haley
Leland Jones: Harry Dean Stanton
Billy Orser: Andy Robinson

80's directed by William Friedkin:

Tom Stall: Harrison Ford
Edie Stall: Sigourney Weaver
Carl Fogarty: Gene Hackman
Richie Cusack: Jon Voight
Jack Stall: River Phoenix
Leland Jones: Lance Henriksen
Billy Orser: Viggo Mortensen


Bronson - (Bronson's very good in his few scenes in suggesting both a harshness and warmth in his manner that could suggest the way both sons came about in the way that they did. In addition he's very moving in his last scenes as he so effectively realizes a despair within a man who is still trying to hide his emotions)

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